nazan eckes

nazan eckes

Nazan Eckes

Biography of Nazan Eckes

Nazan Eckes was born on May 9, 1976 in Cologne. She is a German television presenter and model.

Nazan Eckes is the daughter of Turkish immigrants from EskiÅŸehir. She has one brother and one sister. She received German citizenship at the age of 18.

From 1998 to 1999 she was a freelancer for the Turkish local newspaper Haftalık Posta. In 1999 she then switched to the RTL station, where she took over the weather moderation of the local magazine Guten Abend RTL.

From 2000 she moderated the weather for RTL West, and she also worked as a reporter for the local magazine. From January 2001 she moderated the RTL II News. Together with Kai Ebel, she also moderated the magazine Formel Exclusiv.

From 2004, Eckes was a presenter on Life! - The desire to live. She also moderated Bosporus Trend and RTL II Jahresrückblick.

From 2005 to 2019, Eckes moderated the weekday editions of the RTL magazine Explosiv - Das Magazin, as well as the weekend edition Explosiv - Weekend.

Eckes moderated two pilot episodes of the game show The Cube - Besiege den Cube!, which were broadcast on RTL on April 29, 2011 and June 10, 2011.

In 2013 and 2014 she moderated the RTL casting show Deutschland sucht den Superstar,

In 2017, Eckes served as a jury member in the 11th season of Das Supertalent. In 2019 she took part as a contestant in the twelfth season of Let's Dance and came fourth with professional dancer Christian Polanc.

From 2000 to 2007 she was married to the advertising entrepreneur Claus Eckes from Leverkusen. On June 30, 2012, she married the Austrian painter Julian Khol, a son of the Austrian ÖVP politician Andreas Khol. The couple became parents of two sons (* 2014, * 2016).

Nazan Eckes Wallpapers

nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes nazan eckes
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